Missions and Outreach

Antonia Chelpon, Chairman

2017 Kenya Mission Trip Reflections 

2018 Kenya Mission Trip Reflections 

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Just before Christ ascended into Heaven, he gave the Great Commission to his disciples, “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you; and Lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age” (Matthew 28:19-20).

In response to this Great Commission, the Community of Saint Katherine of Falls Church, Virginia set up our Mission and Outreach Committee (MOC).  Our mission is to participate in this Great Commission by helping to spread the Gospel of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and his Holy Orthodox Church to all peoples of the world.  We acknowledge our responsibility to be local, national and global.

Our goals are to:
I. Educate the faithful at Saint Katherine and the greater Washington, DC area on the importance of missions and outreach as a responsibility of every Orthodox Christian.

A. Sending missionaries into the field (both long and short term)
B. Supporting current missionaries in the field through prayer and contributions
C. Supporting indigenous clergy through the Support a Mission Priest (SAMP) program.

II. Work closely with the Orthodox Christian Mission Center in Saint Augustine, Florida, to promote Orthodox missions throughout the world by reaching out to those less fortunate in our greater Metropolitan area.

The MOC fulfills these goals by:


A. Holding monthly meetings to coordinate all mission and outreach activities.
B. Hosting missionaries at Saint Katherine from around the world to help educate and involve our community in their ministries.
C. Sponsor a Facebook page with the latest information on Orthodox missions: Metropolitan DC Orthodox Mission and Outreach Committee.
D. Writing a monthly article for DOXA.

II. FOREIGN MISSIONS: Work closely with the Orthodox Christian Mission Center in Saint Augustine, Florida, to promote Orthodox missions throughout the world by:

A. Sending missionaries into the field (both long and short term)
B. Supporting current missionaries in the field through prayer and contributions
C. Supporting indigenous clergy through the Support a Mission Priest (SAMP) program.
D. Sponsor an annual fund raising dinner for the OCMC.
E. Sending missionaries into the field (Russia, Philippines, Brazil, Tanzania, South Korea, Guatemala, and Alaska.
F. Praying regularly at each Divine Liturgy for our Orthodox missionaries all over the world.
G. Participating in the Agape Canister program to collect funds to meet the needs of families throughout the world regardless of race, creed, or color. Supporting several indigenous clergy through the SAMP program.

III. OUTREACH- Reach out to those less fortunate in our greater Metropolitan area

A. Support the Bailey’s Crossroads Homeless Clinic by:  

    1. Cooking and serving meals at the shelter once a month.
    2. Gathering and delivering clothes and toiletries to the shelter weekly.
    3. Preparing Hygiene and Survival Kits for the shelter every winter.

B. Support the Culmore Health Clinic for people without health insurance.

C. Samaritan’s Feet:  Collect shoes for children every August so they may start school with new shoes.

D. Diaper collections:  Held twice a year: on Palm Sunday and the Sunday before St. Nicholas Day. 

E. Red Cross Blood Drive:  To sponsor Red Cross Blood Drives for those in need in the greater DC area.

F. Habitat for Humanity:  Work with other humanitarian organizations to reach out to those in need in our greater Washington DC area.

G. Spend Yourself Food Pantry: Provide food, along with Columbia Baptist Church, to hungry people in our community.

If you would like to participate in the Saint Katherine MOC please contact Antonia Chelpon at 703-258-5437 or achelpon@aol.com or Fr. Costas Pavlakos at 703-671-1515 or frcostas@stkchurch.com.

Our meetings are always open to everyone.  Please check our church's monthly newsletter, DOXA, for dates and times of our meetings.