Website and Listserv

Presvytera Pauline Pavlakos is the webmaster of the Saint Katherine website and the list owner of the Saint Katherine Church mailing list. Please contact her at regarding the listserv (email list) and/or the website.

Presvytera utilizes many of the Archdiocese Department of Internet Ministries' free services. She used one of their website templates and customized it for Saint Katherine. The website is hosted on the Archdiocese web server. Presvytera Pauline also uses a listserv which allows her to create, and continually maintain, our church's email list on the Internet. Click on this link to subscribe to our listserv.

We are extremely grateful to the Archdiocese for offering these free services to our parish and hope that you find the website and listserv to be informative and useful.